Paprika Southern Winter 2018 | Inspiration for Creative and Intentional Living | Small Batch Print Publication | Women’s Lifestyle | Women’s Fashion | Art and Lifestyle Magazine

Paprika Southern Winter 2018

The Winter 2018 issue of Paprika Southern is packed with seasonal inspiration for the darkest months. Featured, you will find a home tour with southern artist Bellamy Murphy, dark and mysterious winter fashion, indulgent holiday recipes to get you through any gathering of family or friends, a conversation with political and community activity Coco Papy, a profile of Darby Cox, CEO of Smoke Cartel, and much more.

Paprika Southern is a quarterly publication dedicated to inspiring creativity and intention in everyday life. In our pages you will find lush visuals and thoughtful writing, as well as a commitment to inclusivity. We offer a curated view of the most innovative creatives, trends and art of the South, and we invite you to join our journey.
